Lend a Hand or Donate
For those of you who have used my machines and/or appreciate my work and would like to give a little back to help continue development. Thank you!
The best way to help is spread the word, tell a friend, make a video, post some positive feedback somewhere, every little bit helps.
I’m not very keen on the idea of asking for money, I believe a good idea should stand on its own. I also understand, sometimes a cash injection is just what a small business needs to get over a hurdle, and some are in a better position to provide that than others.
Cash is not the only way.
- Help out in the forums by answering some questions for me. The more time I have to test, build, and break things, the faster I can release new things or information.
- Helping out by pointing out lack of information. Or any other site deficiencies. I can’t be good at everything.
- We have a community editable documents page, you can add or edit any of the instructions!
- YouTube videos, share something. Who doesn’t love a good video.
- Share what you use it for, we all like to see fun stuff and most of us are starving for fun project to use our CNC’s with!
- Spreading the word, let someone know about the site. More users is good for everyone. The bigger our user base the more collective knowledge.
- Google Review, big deal to me.
- PayPal donation, button below, you can choose reoccurring or one time. This one gets your name on the list 🙂
- Patreon - For those of you asking me to make one.
- Donate Crypto -Your choice of Cryptocurrency, one time.
- Heck even a little extra Dropbox space helps! If you don’t have a Dropbox account, this link will give us both an extra 1/2 GB for free after you install the desktop program.
- Amazon Merch store, you can get V1 Shirts, Hoodies, and sweatshirts.
Thank you,
Chris A Erik S Paul M Dennis S Norman K Jim P Ozzie O William A Chris A Wes G |
Rui M Russell T Carl E Rick V Santini C KronBjorn James D Mark Z Matt K Travis G |
Øystein S Christian S Ricky F Leo U Jean B Ignacio A Juergen S Andrew M Mark G Robert K |
Mitchell L Davide T Mark Z James D Harvey B Matt K Aquila Creative Robert M Jeff E Jeremy S |
Steven C Tony W James A Nicholas K Jim P Alexander A David R riaanh William F Michael S |
Drew G David R Michael K Ralph K Jakob A Rob P Michael C CMW Web FX Antoine D Peter R |
Andrew C Saulius O F Johnsen John H Moritz V. K Shawn G Prund C Roger M Ivan A Jan M |
Robert B Antoine D Erik B Vincent L Johannes T Errol K Brian A Steve D Sam W Rob S |
Jordan C Rapid Informatics Reiner B Joerg G Gregory P Aaron H Daniel H Marcel F Stanley P Lukas R |
Brian S Dionysius K Janne K Christoph K William A David W Jeff B Ivan S Sven C Menno H |
Richard B Geoffrey P Michael M Andrew S Thymen R William B Marius S Tim W Sergey K Matt H |
Jason H Daniel K Nils L Tim G Jeremy L Marc D Brian I Matthew P Brian W Geoffrey S |
Collette Tech Lynn B Serge R Randy B Simon B Thorsten B Andy G Istvan T Yvan R Hans M |
Timothy S Brian I Nicola G Rupert S Harjo V Guillaume P Tom L Horst P Lachlan M Burdick |
Jörg B Neeraj V Dirk H Stian R Tim O John F Serge F MD-PM Cody S Steve C |
Manuel E Yannick D Bastian H Korbinian W Andrew B Garrett M Philipp N Tapani S Reale U Hans S |
Andre F Diersen T Dr Christian K Steve K Craig B Tim O Adam K Raaz Design Cristian B John M |
N Verma R Beever S O’Connor Paolo V Craig B John S Constantin B Adam K Yvan R Robert M |
Jeremy L Justin M Tom H Kevin G Frederik R Craig D Quentin L Felix R Robert B J Rozvaril |
A B Perez Arjan V Hans D R |
Thanks again!